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Patience Phillips at Bushkill Falls


Welcome to the official Patience Phillips author and artist children's series site. Supporting a new conversation, "Empowering Happiness through Literacy". Together, with YOU!


First-time children’s author. Long-time artist and writer of multiple books as a teacher in the process of publication. Her soon-to-be-released debut work partnered with Jason Squadrito, the illustrator. Based on decades of experience as an educator.


Passionate about sharing ways to encourage life-long learning and common ground within cultural diversity during the maturing process as a team. Whether student and teacher, adult and child, or child to child. Together, building a community of more kindness, generosity, and fun happens.


Born from everyday interactions with children and families since the 1980s. My Teacher is NOT an Octopus: self-regulating behavior management book. First in the Nurture Learner Series. Inspired by, CHOICE CHALLENGE: Poor to Better Decisions for Everyday Behavior. FRESH perspective. SIX choices. BETTER People becomes a reality to share with you, too. 


Children and grown-ups make choices every day. Decisions about behavior, how to treat ourselves, and others. Rather than make bad or good choices. Let's make the best. Read, participate, and discover how.

Click for Media Request Sheet

Stay tuned for the tour dates and media events

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Business Background

Beginning at the young age of six, the author is known by her nickname in childhood, Kim, organizes her first fundraiser with classmates for CCF or Christian Children's Fund. Now recognized as Child Fund. At seven, she creates a side hustle making custom plant hangers and clay pots for clients.


By Highschool, custom order hand drawing singers and musicians for sale. Entering the military by age 20 after continued difficulties with literacy completes a successful tour of duty with an Honorable Discharge.


Upon returning to college graduates with multiple degrees. Including a Bachelor’s in Education.

Kim Phillips Consulting births using her nickname to separate from author happenings, as a result of years of involvement with a wide breadth of practices. Beginning with a question at the first publishing meeting years ago, “Is there one place to go with everything I need?”


Immediate reply, “No.”


The journey begins to learn the business of publishing. Side effects while exploring every quality from social media marketing to networking professionals is the idea to create a means to reach all who could benefit from knowledge, wisdom, insight, and understanding in all areas of publishing and entrepreneurship.

Today, as an entrepreneur dedicates a portion of her time to community improvement projects, networking businesses internationally, and maturing the breadth of relationships with all that encompasses entrepreneurial pursuits. Passing on her winning perspective to clients. Supporting enduring focus for 10X success.

Read more about the success journey


Always looking for new and exciting opportunities.  Let's connect

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